Karmic debt owed

Karma is a funny thing; it is rarely equal as what the scales would like you to believe. It lies. Karma takes more than it gives. Because karma is not a concept of light. It is a concept of dark, it is fuelled by anger and rage and frustration for your poor luck, for something bad that has happened to you, and the vengeance you seek for it. There is also good karma that people may owe you, but the equalling of scales is paying your karmic debt that you owe from bad karma collected over years and lifetimes. The vibrational frequency behind your negative emotions is low and dark. It also doesn’t help that when you curse somebody, it bounces back to you and you curse yourself in return. Wishing karma to take care of somebody who hurt you is also cursing them, even if you don’t explicitly say it. How to avoid karmic debt?

One. Do good without expecting anything in return from that person or from God/universe. Have no expectations for anything whatsoever. If you think you’re being kind, stop and rethink why you are being “kind” to someone? Is it because you expect a reward of some sort? Maybe subconsciously, you do. And the more you expect, the more it disappoints. Maybe you will get your good karma back with a nice gesture returned to you, but you were too blinded by your expectations to see it happen right that instant. Some people don’t like to owe you, they would be kind back to you and you may not even realise it.

Two. Don’t manifest when angry. It creates a negative energy and negative energy is low vibrational, you can attract unwanted energies to attach to your manifestations and maybe it will harm the person who you are cursing maybe as a joke, but it will bounce back to you too. What you speak is what you are. Always remember that. Always shower or walk in nature to clear your mind and forgive and forget before manifesting something, even if it’s something positive. 

Three. Remove stagnant energy. I’m not going to say sage your home but yeah, it is good to remove stagnant energy from your home. Maybe that stagnant energy is causing you to be stuck in life with your partner, finances, or career goals. Clear out clutter from your home, especially areas you spend most time in. Remove items of clothing you don’t use and if you thrift clothes, it is best to set an intention of purifying the clothes with good intentions so that you don’t carry any stagnancy from that person’s life to yours. That is also how karmic debt can be transferred. Keep your workspace neat and tidy for a good measure.

Now you know a few tips to avoid owing karmic debt and transferring it yourself too. Prevention is better than cure. Because once you get the bill owed, you have to, like a good soul, live through the karma instead of finding devilish ways of transferring it or removing it unless it’s absolutely unbearable. But hey, I always say, everything happens for a reason and maybe your soul wanted tough lessons for it to evolve. If that’s what you signed up for, that’s what you will get. But it is always better to be cautious of owing extra karma than necessary. Take care and I will catch you in my next one!

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