Blissful ignorance

In the metaphor of life, how can you ignore what you know, your soul knows; and be happy? How long can you put on this act of everything is fine when nothing is as it seems? Everything has changed, the world has changed, you have changed, yet you think everything will remain as the status quo. I feel that’s bs. Plain bs. It is time to face the music and realise what your soul mission is. It is time to take matters in your own hands and become aware of the things that are holding you back, that are holding your soul’s evolution back. 

You desire change, and change is happening, but not in the way you wanted. Years have passed but you have nothing to show for it. You lived everyday ignorant about your higher purpose. Or maybe you were just selfish, you didn’t want to care about the plight of the world. The people who have sacrificed a lot to make you be where you are. You didn’t care, you just wanted freedom. But freedom comes at a cost. You have to earn to be free, it’s not really free to buy freedom. Funny that. So, you wagered your soul for exchange to hop around in the flower meadows in your white summer dress, with flowers in your hair, eternally ageless, but alone. Freedom comes with all ties being removed from your friends, family, lovers. You were free and alone. You got the freedom but at what cost? 

You lost a piece of yourself and everyone along with it, you made peace with the fact that you are alone and that’s just how things should be, you didn’t want to be tied down. But now you have no home to go to, you are forever meandering around in the flower meadows and no place or no one to call home. You live in purgatory. Each day the same as the last. The next day the same as yesterday. You wanted to quit this daydream turned into a nightmare and so you decided that it’s enough. You can’t be free in this life.

That connections are important, that people matter. The world doesn’t revolve around you, you revolve around the world, going in circles, from harbour to harbour, trying to find a place you could call home. But what is even home if not the arms of the one you love? So, you decided to face the music and head West, to the one you love. But is that what your soul mission called for? To have a happy ending? You did get an ending in which you were happy, do fairy tales still exist? Perhaps, you don’t know. Your prince never came, you were alone in the meadows of flowers with the moths and the butterflies. You expected change, that he would come, never thinking that you have to go. No one will come. Not for you. You have to save yourself. 

So, it’s important to not be blissfully ignorant of the past, of your present, or in manifesting the perfect future. There is no guarantee that your lover is the one who is for your highest good, or that he will stay, or that he will be there to save you. You have learned to save yourself. You have grown up. The journey from the fool to the world, it is almost complete. Just last a little bit longer. Just don’t be ignorant about your future, or it’s all for nothing and you are back to purgatory. 

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