It takes guts

Self-confidence is closely related to your third chakra, the solar plexus chakra, and imbalances in it can cause gut issues to happen in us. If you read my blog: Self-doubt is our biggest enemy, you will remember I mentioned the chakra systems of eastern spirituality and briefly talked about the symptoms of blockages in it. Today, we will talk about the three main reasons your throat chakra is blocked and how it is related to your gut. Because throat chakra and solar plexus chakra, are closely linked to having your inner voice speak out. Problems with either chakra can cause issues with vocalisation or gut issues. They go hand in hand.

Number 1 reason is you don’t live in your truth. People often say to fake it till you make it, but energy never lies and people can often spot try-hards or fakers from a mile away. If you are pretending to be someone you’re not, you will come across as inauthentic and a wannabe cool person. You may get a seat at the table, but no voice, for people see through you. And this is a vicious cycle that goes on with you chasing people and them pulling away. That is bound to affect your confidence and belief in yourself over time. This low confidence in self adds a blockage to your solar plexus chakra by proxy. And a blocked solar plexus chakra, can cause gut issues in your physical body.  

Number 2 reason is, you lie too much. This ties in with the first point- for you have to lie to pretend to be someone you are not. But lying for no reason, simple white lies, lying for fun, lying out of habit, are some of the ways things can snowball out of hand and cause you to be inauthentic. If it’s not spoken from your gut, you are lying through your teeth about it. And that speaks volumes about your character as a whole. If you sit on your throne of lies for too long, guilt starts to creep in and you stay with a feeling of helplessness. For you want to come clean, but you’ve gone too far. You cannot stomach the lies any longer. Another blockage added.

Number 3 reason is you are shy. You simply cannot speak up. Maybe growing up people stifled you from speaking out, that you grew up in a fear of not being able to handle criticisms. That made you scared to speak up. Not being able to stand in your truth disempowered you and you may even have social anxiety. My doctor says, anxiety is correlated to IBS… so, take that as you may. 

Gut health is important for good mental health. In fact, it is good for your overall mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health too. It takes guts to live in your truth, be your authentic self and speak up. Those are not easy feats. So, work on these areas of your life, take care of your diet and sleep and watch yourself glow up.  

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